jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015


The Silence of Dawson Island, it’s a Chilean short film directed by Alex Ribera, and the script was written by Marcelo Guajardo. This movie wants to rescue events in our modern history, nineteenth and twentieth century, also seeks to inform the public about the existing assets in the area as Selk'nam cemetery, the chapel San Rafael and concentration camps which operated between 1973 and 1974.

Dawson Island is located in the south tip of Chile, exactly in the Estrectro de Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego, to 100 kilometers away south of Punta Arenas. 

Tierra del Fuego was stained with blood, from the arrival of foreign colonists who liquidated the Selknam, destroying their culture, evangelizing and killing Aborigines.

The repression of the military coup of 1973, sent to ministers, parliamentarians, among others, as politicians prisoners to Dawson Island, where they were tortured, humiliated, and inhumane practices were generated by the military.
The Dawson Island Dawson became the imprisonment of a divided country.
The island has a history of suffering, death and  repression.

Below is the short film available

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