viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2015


Hello Bloggers, this is my last post and today I’m going to talk about the social issues associate with “The Homeless” in Santiago de Chile.

This is a very hard problem that goes back many years ago, that affect all people living in the region, this come back when the people that lived in the field migrate to the city, and coming to secure in the Mapocho river bank or other parts the city, but they lived in appalling condition. Well, after a while this people was displaced to other place that was not in the center of the city.

The homeless, lived in bad condition, suffer overcrowding-as a temporal solution-, a lot of illness, etc. Having no answers and solutions for part to the Government, the homeless began taking radical solutions like “tomas de terreno” (taking fields). This process happened mid XX century, forming the first taking fields for people organized and discontent, like to La Victoria, La Pincoya…The taking field became in a big social movement, where the people strife for right to housing.

The homeless is a problem to de state but the solution is a precarious dwelling-for cut cost-, whit lacking square meters (average 40 m2 or less), where they lived about four people or more, and they are situated in the periphery of the town. Produced a fragmentation to the space, elitisation to the space, gentrification, injustice and more injustice social.

 Is very sad reality that a lot of people living, and there are people who still no solutions, living in the street, under a bridge, overcrowdings, in a familiar home, very unfair reality because in Chile there are money, but It is not well managed, almost do not see housing as a social right, but rather as a commercial product

The right to dwelling is a movement to persist and for me the solution –because the state is incompetent to this problem- is the taking fields, the auto construction, the organized to the people, radicalization to the decisions. I hope that in a near time all the people have right to de home in a good conditions. 

1 comentario:

  1. I think the best solution for the homeless, and now experts say "people in the street", is that State makes refuges for the homeless. And people with housing problems is the state who build houses should ensure appropriate market and land use, because housing is a right.
